October 29, 1929 marked the date that the stock market crashed during The Great Depression. Seventy nine years later we're effected by a similar conundrum. Folks from all industries are getting hit hard with unemployment. Financial, automotive, and non-profit jobs were hit the hardest.

I recently read an article in the New York times about couple in Atlanta with a family of four. Two toddlers, wife and husband both found without a job. Though this epidemic is sweeping the nation like a new dance craze, the family in this photo still kept their composure. Head to the sky, chin up with a smile of confidence displayed in the photo below.

In a selfish way, I envy how happy the family looks. The display of contentment made me realize that this isn't the first time the economy has been on pins and needles and that many have been through this before thus providing countless solutions to their own financial crisis. To those who have felt this economic crunch, keep your head up and know that there is a brighter future ahead.